Big Data is (at least) Four Different Problems 2016

Stanford Seminar - Big Data is (at least) Four Different Problems 2016

The Meaning of Big Data: big volume, big velocity, big variety.

Big Volume

  • well addressed by the data warehouse crowd - multi-node column stores with sophisticated sompression. But performance among products differs by a lot.
  • NVRAM (non-volatile memory).
  • Network no longer the “high pole in the tent”.
  • More data scientist, more data or better model?

Data Science: Complex analytics: always array based.

Until (tired) {
  Data management;
  Complex analytics (regression, clustering, bayesian analysis, ...);


  1. Map-Reduce (Hadoop, not flexible) for HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System, too slow) data.
    • (1) map job, which takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data, where individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs).
    • (2) reduce job takes the output from a map as input and combines those data tuples into a smaller set of tuples.
    • 2011~2015 abandoned by google.
    • 2013 95% of Facebook access is SQL (Hive).
    • 2013 Cloudera : (3-level stack) SQL, Map-Reduce, HDFS.
    • 2014 Impala : (2-level stack) SQL, HDFS -> (1-level stack) SQL.
    • Data warehouse market and Hadoop market are merging. HDFS is being marketed to support “data lakes”.
  2. Spark. No persistence (not a file system, but a framework), No sharing, No indices.
    • future : DBMSs as a persistence layer under Spark.
  3. Move the query to the data, but tightly coupling to analytics.
  4. Array DBMS (database manager system). (SciDB; SciDB-R)

Big Velocity


  1. Big pattern - little state (electronic trading). Complex event processing (CEP) (Storm, Kafka, StreamBase) - Patterns in a firehouse.
  2. Big state - little pattern. ~OLTP, NewSQL engines (VoltDB, NuoDB, MemSQL …).

Possible storm clouds: RDMA, Spanner…

Big Variety

No global data model. Our daily data not get into the data warehouse; public data from the web; company data… Extract, transform, and load (ETL) programmer, cannot handle large amount of data source.

Data Integration hard.

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