UMSI Interaction Lab

Intro to AR/VR/MR/XR

Coursera - Intro to AR/VR/MR/XR: Technologies, Applications & Issues, Certification link.

  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality.
  • Four classes of XR technology: devices, platforms, applications, and tools.
  • People – Tasks – Technology: the three main angles used to explore the question of how to use our understanding of people, their tasks, and technical capabilities to design better systems?
  • Key issues: social and ethical concerns, accessibility and equity, privacy and security.

XR strategy : knowledge, team, equipment, and users.

  • Knowledge: XR applications, technologies, key issues, design principles, and development tools.
  • Team: designers, developers, managers, artists, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
  • Equipment: smartphones and exploring ways to turn them into AR or VR devices.
  • Users: growing.

Cases Study :