    title Extended Reality Development for Vehicles
    section 2021
      Oct : Meta & BMW partnership
    section 2022
      Nov : HoloRide & Audi
      Dec : DeepMirror Car XR
    section 2023
      May : Meta & BMW Quest Working In A Moving Car
      Oct : BMW metaverse
    section 2024
      Jan : Apple Vision Pro (Travel Mode)
      May : Meta Travel Mode
      Aug : DeepMirror Car XR update

Detailed TimeLine:

  • 2021 Oct : Meta & BMW announced a partnership on XR-in-car problem. 1
  • 2022 Nov : HoloRide €700 kit, contains HTC’s ultra-compact Vive Flow headset and a wireless gamepad (€50) 2. youtube video.
    • Technology (3DOF + Canbus + recenter):
      • using only IMU for giving 3DOF movement (rotation only).
      • need user interface to recenter the screen (to driving direction).
      • (Audi only) uses the car’s real steering, accelerating, and braking as virtual movement.
  • 2022 Dec : DeepMirror Car XR 3.
    • Enable localization in moving vehicles, combined with car’s precise 6DOF.
    • We could output : (1) 3dof w.r.t. car; (2) 6dof w.r.t world.
  • 2023 May : Meta & BMW Quest Working In A Moving Car 4 5.
    • collaborated with BMW to incorporate IMU data from a BMW car’s sensor array in real time into the tracking system of XR devices.
    • Next step : add the car’s location relative to the world, using the car’s precise 6DOF positioning system.
    • not yet ready for customers.
  • 2023 Oct : BMW metaverse 6.
  • 2024 Jan : Apple Vision Pro 7 Travel Mode.
    • Cannot work properly on moving vehicles.
  • 2024 May : Meta Travel Mode with 6DOF8. It enables Quest to run in a moving car (where AVP’s travel mode failed to work).
  • 2024 Aug : DeepMirror Car XR incar-6dof offering 6dof w.r.t. both car and world.

Some analysis

Meta’s develop path : switch from imu based slam system to pure vision slam system, to overcome the “Non-inertial reference frame” problem. This might be a good method, reducing the complexity of the system without tightly coupling with car’s imu.

Deepmirror’s develop path : we had moved faster than META, but with limited resources, have fewer hardware support. It took us longer to reach the pure vision method (same end).

Current trends: few customers are willing to try VR in moving vehicles, this market might has limited flexibility.

Key Assumptions of “Extended Reality for Vehicles” :

  1. Technology is achievable. ✅
  2. Customers are willing to use VR in vehicles. 🤔


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