Some notes of server localization.

Localization Tests

Example test

./example database_path sparse_map_path voc_indices_path test_images_path focus_length width height

  • winter map (~ 1500 images)

./example /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/database.db /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/sparse/ /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/VocIndex.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/Test_images_p20pro/ 2814 3648 2736

Make indices test

./make_index database_path sparse_map_path voc_indices_path vocab_path

  • winter map

./make_index /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/database.db /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/sparse/ /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/VocIndex.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabs/vocab_tree_flickr100K_words32K.bin

Time analysis (before update) – 2020/04

  1. SIFT feature extraction about 0.03 second.
  2. SIFT feature match test : CPU takes about 10 seconds, GPU takes about 0.002-0.005 second.
  3. QueryAndFindWordIds, which is the Voc Tree match time.
    • Winter map (~ 1500 images) Voc Tree match time : 1 find word ids time : 0.223392 2 inverted index query time : 2.9389 3 sort scores time : 0.000421505
    • Spring map (~ 200 images) Voc Tree match time : 1 find word ids time : 0.225403 2 inverted index query time : 0.62357 3 sort scores time : 5.9781e-05
  • Voc tree match is not designed for our objective (use some rough pose estimation to accelerate the process of image match).
  • We could build a KNN tree (based on real distance) for neighbour search.

Java Plugin test

./test_plugin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/database.db /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/sparse/ /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_update/VocIndex.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/success_images.txt /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/runtime_result_voc.txt 2814


Tested in real scene

  • The accuracy is relatively high, for most of the cases. While, for the part of the scene with some small structured buildings, the mesh didn’t match well.
  • The success rate is extremely low. which is the major part of later work. (To find out the reason, and optimize the condition)


  • For this scene, we have more than 2000 image frames in the database. However, the images are mostly the same, From logical thought, we should not us a large vocabulary tree for it. So I will test the image localization success rate for both cases.

Test VocIndex_32K

  • Slow (1~2s)
  • ==> Success rate 0.100000 [ 13 / 130 ]

Test VocIndex_256K

  • match speed about two times faster (~ 0.7s)
  • ==> Success rate 0.161538 [ 21 / 130 ]

Test VocIndex_1M

  • Faster (~ 0.5s)
  • ==> Success rate 0.123077 [ 16 / 130 ]

Map Building Tests


  • The work space should be empty, as I will remove all the files in it. I hope this will not delete some files important.
  • all the images in one folder must be taken by the same type of device. (and image folder name should be longer than 4 char)

Parameters note

  • float feature_parallax_threshold : The minimal parallax between two extracted frames. larger -> less frames smaller -> more frames

Test build

./Make_map work_space_path resource_path

./Make_map /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/build_test/work_space_2 /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/build_test/build_sources_2 /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabs/vocab_tree_flickr100K_words32K.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabs/vocab_tree_flickr100K_words256K.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabsvocab_tree_flickr100K_words1M.bin

Test Extract_image

./Extract_image /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/winter_garden /home/viki/Lucas/winter_gardon 50 20 0.3

Test add images

./Make_map_add /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/build_test/work_space_2 /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Maps/build_test/addition_resources /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabs/vocab_tree_flickr100K_words32K.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabs/vocab_tree_flickr100K_words256K.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/vocabsvocab_tree_flickr100K_words1M.bin

Test scale calculation

./Test_scale /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Test_kexuecheng_B/work_space/database.db /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Test_kexuecheng_B/work_space/sparse/ /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Test_kexuecheng_B/work_space/VocIndex.bin /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Test_kexuecheng_B/ArCore_result/Trajectory.txt /home/viki/UTOPA/Server_Localization/Test_kexuecheng_B/ArCore_result/images/ 496 282

// 282 images : 0.180249

State manager

  1. DataPrepare : seperate videos.
  2. Feature Extractor : no built in callback exist. -> but I can roughly estimate the time
  3. Feature Matcher : no built in callback exist. -> but I can roughly estimate the time
  4. Sparse Reconstruction : has callback well built.
  5. Dense Reconstruction : no built in callback exist. -> estimate by counting files in workspace folder
    • photometric
    • geometric
    • fusion : estimate

winter scale



  • Set the video camera id to identity, and optimize the video camera parameters.
  • Set the maximal image size of the MVS process to accelerate.
  • Loop closure parameters could be modified.


3D Reconstruction

  • Test one 1) Record images by various devices, collect images use colmap to build a consist map. 2) Record RGB image from a logi camera, while collect depth data from MyntEye IR mode. 3) Offline localize the images, and use Voxblox to reconstruct the model.

  • Problem with test one 1) The recored depth data is damanged, as I used opencv to save depth as image (loss info while encoding). 2) Only a small part of the images is successfully localized, as the scene is lack of features. and also because of the small FOV of logi camera.

  • TODO 1) Remake a dataset without flaw. 2) Develop a realtime version of the algorithm.



