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1.1 Goal

Background: BigData -> extremely large amount of data. Very high-dimensional data, distributed stored data.

  • Decentralized collection or storage.
  • Distributed solution methods (e.g. ADMM).

Robust methods for :

  • Arbitraty-scale optimization
    • Machine learning/statistics with huge data-size
    • Dynamic optimziation on large-scale network
  • Decentralized optimization
    • Devices/processors/agents coordinate to solve large problem, by passing relatively small messages.
  • Dual Decomposition. (explained in Chapter 2)
  • The method of multipliers. (explained in Chapter 2)
  • Douglas-Rachford splitting. (lots of them 1950s, 1979)
  • Proximal point algorithm. (Rockafellar 1976)
  • Dykstra’s alternating projections. (1983)
  • Spingarn’s method of partial inverses. (1985)
  • Rockafellar-Wets progressive hedging. (1991)
  • Proximal methods. (Rockafellar, many others, 1976-present)
  • Bregman iterative algorithms for l1 problems. (2008-present)
  • Most of these are special cases of the proximal point algorithm.

ADMM: The blender of the decomposability of dual ascent with the superior convergence properties of the method of multipliers.

1.3 BluePrint

  • Dual problem $\to$ Dual ascent method $\to$ Decomposition.
  • Method of Multipliers $\to$ Augmented Lagrangian $\to$ Cannot decompose (as the variables are entangled)
  • ADMM $\to$ Decomposed variation of augmented lagrangian method.

1.4 Interpretation as tatonnement process

  • Tatonnement process: iteratively update prices to clear market.
  • Work towards equilibrium by increasing/decreasing prices of goods based on excess demand/supply.
  • Dual decomposition is the simplest tatonnement algorithm.
  • ADMM adds proximal regulization:
    • incorporate agents’ prior commitment to help clear market.
    • convergence far more robust convergence that dual decompostion.

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