2.1 Dual Ascent
Normal we solve a problem by iteratively descent the primal objective problem. Dual Ascent methods instead try to solve the dual problem by iteratively asent the dual function.
Consider the problem:
\[\begin{align*} & minimize \quad f(x) \\ & subject\ to \quad Ax = b \end{align*}\]Take the lagrangian function:
\[\mathcal{L}(x ,\lambda) = f(x) + \lambda^{T}(Ax - b)\]The dual function is :
\[\begin{align*} g(\lambda) &= \inf_{x} \mathcal{L}(x, \lambda) \\ & = \inf_{x} (f(x) + \lambda^{T}(Ax)) - b^{T}\lambda \\ & = - sup_{x}((-A^{T}\lambda)^{T}x - f(x)) - b^{T}\lambda \\ & = - f^{*}(-A^{T}\lambda) - b^{T}\lambda \end{align*}\]The dual problem is :
\[maximize\quad g(\lambda)\]while we have :
\[x^{k+1} := arg\min_{x}\mathcal{L}(x, \lambda^{k})\] \[\begin{align*} \Delta g(\lambda) &= - (-A)\frac{\partial f^{*}(\mu)}{\partial \mu} - b \\ & = A x^{*} -b \end{align*}\]Here , we have a scent direction of the dual variable. If g is not differentible it is ‘a’ subgradient (which will be a dual subgradient method). And we could have a dynamic choice of the step size $\alpha^{k}$. So, we could update the dual variable with :
\[\lambda^{k+1} := \lambda^{k} + \alpha^{k}(Ax^{k+1}-b)\]In summary the dual ascent update is :
\[\begin{align*} & x^{k+1} := arg\min_{x}\mathcal{L}(x, y^{k})\\ & y^{k+1} := y^{k} + \alpha^{k}(Ax^{k+1}-b) \end{align*}\]While the convergence may not hold in many applications, so dual ascent often cannot be used.
2.2 Dual Decomposition
If the objective function could be decomposed, so will the dual function, as a result we could updata the primal variables separately.
For an example :
\[f(x) = \sum_{i = 1}^{N}f_{i}(x_{i})\]Here we did not clarify the separable sets of the variable, each $x_{i}$ could be a sub-block of variables. We could also partioning the matrix A.
\[\sum_{i = 1}^{N}A_{i}x_{i} = b\]The lagrangian will be :
\[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(x, y) &= \sum_{i = 1}^{N}f_{i}(x_{i}) + y^{T}(\sum_{i = 1}^{N}A_{i}x_{i} - b) \\ &=\sum_{i=1}^{N} (f_{i}(x_{i}) + y^{T}A_{i}x_{i} - (1/N)y^{T}b ) \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \mathcal{L}_{i}(x_{i}, y) \end{align*}\]Similarly as before, the update will be :
\[\begin{align*} & x^{k+1}_{i} := arg\min_{x}\mathcal{L}_{i}(x_{i}, y^{k})\\ & y^{k+1} := y^{k} + \alpha^{k}(Ax^{k+1}-b) \end{align*}\]2.3 Augmented Lagrangians and the Method of Multipliers
The augmented Lagrangians for the problem in 2.1 is :
\[\mathcal{L}_{\rho}(x,y) = f(x) + y^{T}(Ax-b) + (\rho/2)\|Ax-b\|_{2}^{2}\]It is the normal Lagrangian of the following problem (which is equivalent to original one):
\[\begin{align*} &minimize \quad f(x) + (\rho/2)\|Ax-b\|_{2}^{2} \\ &subject \ to \quad Ax = b \end{align*}\]The result update will be:
\[\begin{align*} & x^{k+1} := arg\min_{x}\mathcal{L}_{\rho}(x, y^{k})\\ & y^{k+1} := y^{k} + \rho(Ax^{k+1}-b) \end{align*}\]For this special step size we chosen, we have the following relations (start from the update equation of x):
\[\begin{align*} 0 &= \Delta_{x} \mathcal{L}_{\rho}(x^{k+1}, y^{k})\\ &= \Delta_{x} f(x^{k+1}) + \rho A^{T}(y^{k} + Ax^{k+1} -b)\\ &= \Delta f(x^{k+1}) + A^{T}y^{k+1} \end{align*}\]which is exactly the dual feasibility of the problem. which justify the choice of the step size.
The convergence of this mehtod is much better.
However in this expression, the update of x depends on all the primal variables. As a result, even if f is separable, the update of x will not be separable.