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Augmented Lagrangians and Applications of the Proximal Point Algorithm in Convex Programming (1976 R.T. Rockafellar)

From method of multipliers to proximal method of multipliers.

For solving a inequalities constrained convex optimization problem (P, for ‘primal’):

\[\begin{align*} &minimize \quad f_{0}(x) \\ &subject\ to \quad f_{i}(x) \le 0, \ i = 1,...,m \end{align*}\]

1. Proximal point algorithm for P : primal

Proximal operator:

\[f_{0}^{k}(x) = f_{0}(x) + (1/2c_{k})\| x- x^{k}\|_{2}^{2}\]

For this modification, we have a stronger convexity, as we have :

\[f_{0}^{k}((1-\lambda)x + \lambda x') \le (1-\lambda)f_{0}^{k}(x) + \lambda f_{0}^{k}(x') - (\lambda(1-\lambda)/2c_{k})\| x- x'\|_{2}^{2}\]
  • In many algorithms, strong convexity is a boon to good convergence and makes possible more convenient stopping criteria, including estimates of how far one is from a minimum point.
  • Can reduce trouble when solving the problem : as the infimum may not be attained at all or not attained uniquely, this make is harder to generate simultaneously an asymptotically minimizing sequence for (P) itself.
  • The separability of the kind essential to decomposition methods is perserved.

2. Proximal point algorithm for D : dual

Method of multipliers, Augmented lagrangian

3. Proximal point algorithm for Convex-concave Lagrangian

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