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Learning notes for the paper Monotone operators and the proximal point algorithm, by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar. and On the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators , by Jonathan. Eckstein,Dimitri P. Bertsekas.

This paper describe the relationship of several algorithms that Douglas-Rachford splitting method is a special case of the proximal point algorithm, and Alternating diections method is an application of Douglas-Rachford splitting method. As a result, the properties of proximal point algorithm could be used to ADMM, result in a generalized ADMM algorithm.

This paper was lined as follows:

  • Definition of monntone operator $T(z)$.
  • Extend the basis case of variational inequalities (extend the domain to the whole space).
  • Solve the problem $0 \in T(z)$.
  • Stop criteria, and convergence analysis.

Table of Contents

  1. Some Backgrounds
  2. Monotone operator
  3. Variational Inequalities
  4. Lagrangian
  5. Algorithm
  6. Stop Criteria
  7. Applications
  8. Convergence

1. Some Backgrounds


(See more from the wiki page) Semi-continuity is a property of extended real-valued functions (it is weaker than continuity) .

Definition : Suppose X a topogical space, $x_{0}$ is a point in X. And function f : $X \to \mathbb{R} \cup { -\infty , \infty }$ is a entended real-valued function. f is called upper semi-continuous at $x_{0}$, if for every $y > f(x_{0})$ there exists a neighborhood U of $x_{0}$ such that $f(x)<y$, for all $x\in U$.

  • Metric space : $\lim_{x\to x_{0}}\sup f(x) \le f(x_{0})$.
  • Floor function is an upper semi-continuous function, ceilling function is a lower semi-continuous function.

This article proposed a method for solving a lower semi-continuous proper convex function on a Hilbert space, by iterative taking :

\[z^{k+1} := P(z^{k})\]

More precisly :

\[z^{k+1} := \arg\min_{z} (f(z) + (1/2c_{k})\|z - z^{k}\|^{2}_{2})\]

With $c_{k} > 0$.

Inner product $<\cdot, \cdot>$

  • Conjugate symmetric $\bar{<x, y>} = <y,x>$。
  • Linear in its first argument: $<ax_{1} + bx_{2}, y> = a<x_{1}, y> + b<x_{2}, y>$.
  • <x,x> is positive definit . i.e. <x,x> >0 if $x\ne 0$, <x,x>=0 if x =0.

As a result, we have:

\[<x,ay_{1} +by_{2}> = \bar{a}<x, y_{1}> + \bar{b}<x, y_{2}>\]


  • Operator : T.
  • Overload the notataion of T and its graph : $T = { (x,y) \mid y \in T(x) }$
  • $dom T = { x\in H \mid \exists y\in H : (x,y) \in T }$
  • Range or Image of T : $im T = { y\in H \mid \exists x\in H:(x,y)\in T }$
  • $A+B = { (x, y+z) \mid (x,y)\in A, (x,z) \in B }$
  • Identity operator I : ${ (x,x) \mid x in H }$

2. Monotone operator

Definition Monotone : Let H be a real Hilbert spave with inner product $<\cdot, \cdot>$. A multifunction T : H $\to$ H is said to be a monotone operator if:

\[<z-z', w- w'> \ge 0 \quad whenever \quad w\in T(z), \ w'\in T(z')\]

It is said to be maximal monotone if, in addtion, the graph

\[G(T) = \{ (z, w)\in H \times H \mid w \in T(z) \}\]

is not properly contained in the graph of any other monotone operator T’: H $\to$ H.

  • An operator is (maximal) monotone if and only if its inverse is (maximal) monotone.
  • The best known monotone operator is the subgradient mapping $\partial f$ of a closed proper convex function.
  • If T is a subdiffferential $\partial f$ of a lower semi-continuous convex function f : $H \to (-\infty , +\infty], f \ne +\infty$, then T is maximal monotone, and the relation $0\in T(z)$ means that f(z) = min f.

Strongly Monotone with modulus $\alpha > 0$, i.e, one have:

\[<z-z', w- w'> \ge \alpha \|z-z'\|^{2} \quad whenever \quad w\in T(z), \ w'\in T(z')\]
  • Which means that $T’ = T - \alpha I$ is monotone.

Theorem 1. A monotone operator T on H is maximal if and only if im(I+T) = H.

Proof: Use Zorn’s Lemma (or, equivalently the axiom of choice): that a partially ordered set containing upper bounds for every chain (that is, every totally ordered subset) necessarily contains at least one maximal element.

Nonexpansive: An operator C on H is said to be nonexpansive if :

\[\| y'-y\| \le \|x'- x\| \quad \forall (x,y), (x',y') \in C.\]
  • Nonexpansive operators are necessarily single-valued and Lipschitz continuous.

Firmly Nonexpansive: An operator J on H is said to be firmly nonexpansive if :

\[\| y'-y\|^{2} \le <x'- x, y'-y> \quad \forall (x,y), (x',y') \in J.\]

Lemma 1. (Firmly Nonexpansive) :

  • All firmly nonexpansive operators are nonexpansive. (observiously)
  • An operator J is firmly nonexpansive if and only if 2j-I is nonexpansive. (straightforward)
  • An operator is firmly nonexpansive if and only if it is of the form $(1/2)(C+I)$, where C is nonexpansive. (the inverse of the upper one)
  • An operator J is firmly nonexpansive if and only if I-J is firmly nonexpansive.

Theorem 2. Let c be any positive scalar. An operator T on H is monotone if and only if its resolvent $J_{cT} = (I+ cT)^{-1}$ is firmly nonexpansive. Furthermore, T is maximal monotone if and only if $J_{cT}$ is firmly nonexpansive and $dom (J_{cT}) = H$.

  • The purpose here is to stress the complete symmetry that exists between (maximal) monotone operators and (full-domained) firmly nonexpansive operators over any Hilbert space.

Proof :

\[(x,y) \in T \Leftrightarrow (x+cy, x)\in (I+cT)^{-1}\] \[\begin{align*} T \ monotone &\Leftrightarrow <x'-x, y'-y> \ge 0 \ \forall (x,y),(x',y')\in T. \\ & \Leftrightarrow <x'-x, cy'-cy> \ge 0 \ \forall (x,y),(x',y')\in T. \\ & \Leftrightarrow <x'-x, cy'-cy> + \|x'-x\|^{2} \ge \|x'-x\|^{2} \ \forall (x,y),(x',y')\in T. \\ & \Leftrightarrow <x'-x +cy'-cy, x'-x> \ge \|x'-x\|^{2} \ \forall (x,y),(x',y')\in T. \\ & \Leftrightarrow (I+cT)^{-1} \ firmly\ nonexpansive \end{align*}\]

Clearly, T is maximal if and only if cT is maximal. So, by Theroem 1, T is maximal if and only if im(T+cI) = H. This is in turn true if and only if $(I+cT)^{-1}$ has domain H, establishing the seconf statement. $\square$

Corollary 2.1. An operator K is firmly nonexpansive if and only if $K^{-1} - I$ is monotone. K is firmly nonexpansive with full domain if and only if $K^{-1} - I$ is maximal monotone.

Corollary 2.2. For any c >0, the resolvent $J_{cT}$ of a monotone operator T is single-valued. If T is also maximal, then $J_{cT}$ has full domain.

Corollary 2.3. (The Representation Lemma). Let c >0 and let T be monotone on H. Then every element z of H can be written in at most one way as x+cy, where $y\in Tx$. If T is maximal, then every z of H can be writeen in exactly one way as x + cy, where $y\in Tx$.

Corollary 2.4. The functional taking each operator T to $(I+T)^{-1}$ is a bijection between the collection of maximal monotone operators on H and the collection of firmly nonexpansive operators on H.

Lemma 2. Given any maximal monotone operator T, real number c > 0, and $x\in H$, we have $0\in Tx$, if and only if $J_{cT}(x) = x$.

Proof: By direction calculation, $J_{cT} = { (x+cy,x)\mid (x,y)\in T }$, hence , $0\in Tx \Leftrightarrow (x,0)\in T \Leftrightarrow (x,x) \in J_{cT}$. Since $J_{cT}$ is single-valued, the proof is complete. $\square$

3. Variational Inequalities

The variational inequalities expression is:

\[T(z) = \begin{cases} T_{0}(z) + N_{D}(z) \quad if \ z \in D, \\ \varnothing \quad if \ z \notin D \end{cases}\]

Where D is a nonempty closed convex subset of H, and $T_{0} : D \to H$ is single-valued, monotone and hemicontinuous (i.e. continuous along each linear segment in H with respect to the weak topology), and $N_{D}(z)$ is the normal cone to D at z :

\[N_{D}(z) = \{ w \in H \mid <z-u, w>\ge 0, \forall u \in D \}\]

We can prove that this T is maximal monotone.

The problem $0 \in T(z)$ reduce to $-T_{0}(z) \in N_{D}(z)$, or :

\[z\in D \ and \ <z-u, T_{0}(z)> \le 0 \ \forall u\in D\]

If D is a cone, this condition will be the complementary problem:

\[z\in D, -T_{0}(z)\in D^{\circ} \ and \ <z,T_{0}(z)> = 0\]

4. Lagrangian

Another example corresponding to saddle point optimization. Let H be the product of two Hilbert spaces, $H = H_{1}\times H_{2}$, and let $L: H \to [-\infty , +\infty]$ be such that L(x,y) is convex in $x\in H_{1}$, and concave in $y\in H_{2}$. Which is exactly the case for a normal lagrangian function for a constrained convex optimization problem, where x is the primal variable, and y is the dual variable. Solve the problem is the find the saddle point the lagrangian function.

We build another operator $T_{L}(z)$ the be the set of all w = (v,u) such that:

\[\begin{align*} L(x',y)- <x',v> + <y,u> & \ge L(x,y) - <x,v> + <y,u> \\ & \ge L(x,y')-<x,v>+<y',u> \\ & \forall x'\in H_{1},y'\in H_{2} \end{align*}\]

Solving the problem $0 \in T_{L}(z)$, will obtain z=(x,y) such that:

\[L(x',y) \ge L(x,y) \ge L(x,y') \ \forall x'\in H_{1},y'\in H_{2}\]

Which is exactly the solution of the saddle point of L(x,y).

5. Algorithm

Fact: $\forall z \in H, \ c > 0, \exists ! \ u \in H. \ s.t \ z-u\in cT(u)$. i.e. $z\in (I + cT)(u)$

Proof: Suppose there exists another u’ not equal to u, which satisfies the same conditions, i.e. $z\in (I + cT)(u’)$

\[<u-u', cT(u)- cT(u')> \ge 0\] \[<u-u', (z-u)-(z-u')> \ge 0\] \[<u-u', u'-u> \ge 0\] \[u = u'\]

Done proof

From this fact ($z\in (I + cT)(u)$), we have :

\[(I + cT)^{-1}(z) = P(z) = u\]

is a single-valued form H to H. and we can also prove that it is non-expansive.

As we have P(z) =z, if and only if $0\in T(z)$:

Algorithm: $z^{k+1} \approx P_{k}(z^{k}) = (I+c_{k}T)^{-1}(z^{k})$

Case 1 : If we take T = $\partial f$, we have:

\[z^{k+1} \approx P_{k}(z^{k}) = (I+c_{k}\partial f)^{-1}(z^{k})\] \[z^{k+1} + c_{k}\partial f(z^{k+1}) \approx z^{k}\] \[\partial f(z^{k+1}) + (1/c_{k}) (z^{k+1} -z^{k}) \approx 0\] \[z^{k+1}\approx \arg\min_{z} (f(z) + (1/2c_{k})\|z - z^{k} \|_{2}^{2})\]

Case 2 : For T corresponding to a convex-concave function L , it becomes :

\[(x^{k+1}, y^{k+1}) \approx \arg minimax_{x,y} \Lambda_{k}(x,y)\] \[\Lambda_{k}(x,y) = L(x,y) + \frac{1}{2c_{k}}\|x-x^{k}\|^{2}_{2} - \frac{1}{2c_{k}}\|y-y^{k}\|^{2}_{2}\]

6. Stop Criteria

A :

\[\|z^{k+1} - P_{k}(z^{k}) \| \le \varepsilon_{k}, \quad \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \varepsilon_{k} < \infty\]

B :

\[\|z^{k+1} - P_{k}(z^{k}) \| \le \delta_{k}\|z^{k+1} -z^{k}\|, \quad \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \delta_{k} < \infty\]

7. Applications

  • $T = \partial f$, f is the essential objective function in the problem.
  • $T = - \partial g$, f is the concave objective function in the dual problem.
  • $T_{L}$ corresponding to the convex-concave Largrangian function.

8. Convergence

See more in this paper On the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators.

  • The strong convergence is affirmative if $T = \partial f$ with f quadratic.
  • The strong convergence is assured if $c_{k}$ is bounded away from zero and T is strongly monotone. In which case $P_{k}’ = (I + c_{k}’T’)^{-1}$ is nonexpansive for any $c_{k} >0$ (left to prove).

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