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Table of Contents

  1. Moreau-Yosida regularization
  2. Resolvent of subdifferential operator
  3. Modified gradient step
  4. Trust region problem

3.1 Moreau-Yosida regularization

From the name we can know that, this interpretation is closely related to the Moreau decomposition. And the proximal operator has the same formula as the moreau-vosida regularization.

Definition 3.1: The infimal convolution of closed proper convex function f and g on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, denoted $f \square g$ is defined as :

\[(f \square g)(v) = \inf_{x}(f(x) + g(v-x))\]

with \(\mathbf{dom}(f\square g) = \mathbf{dom}f + \mathbf{g}\)

The main example related is the Moreau envelope or Moreau-Yosida regularization $M_{\lambda f}$ of the function $\lambda f$, (which has the same definition as $\bar f_{\mu}$ in the page “Proerties”, the proof of Moreau decomposition) is defined as:

\[M_{\lambda f}(v) = \lambda f \square (1/2)\| \cdot \|^{2}_{2}\] \[M_{\lambda f}(v) = \inf_{x}(f(x) + (1/2\lambda) \| x- v\|^{2}_{2})\]

3.1.1 Convexity

Note \(L(x,y) = f(y) + \frac{1}{2*\mu} \| x- y\|^{2}_{2}\), then is jointly convex in x and y, Then \(M_{\lambda f}(v) = \inf_{y}L(x,y)\) must be convex (since its epigraph is the projection of a convex set).

3.1.2 Smoothed or Regularized form of f

Theorem 3.2 : $(f \square g)^{} = f^{} + g^{*}$.

Proof of Theorem 3.2 :

\[\begin{align*} (f\square g)^{*}(x) &= \sup_{u}(y^{T}u - (f\square g)(u)) \\ &= \sup_{u}(y^{T}u - \inf_{v}(f(v) + g(u-v))) \\ &= \sup_{u} \sup_{v} (y^{T}u - f(v) - g(u-v)) \\ & \quad ( t \triangleq u - v \Rightarrow u = t+v) \\ &= \sup_{t}sup_{v}(y^{T}(t+v) - f(v) - g(t)) \\ &= \sup_{t}(y^{T}t -g(t)) + \sup_{v}(y^{T}v - f(v))\\ &= f^{*} + g^{*} \end{align*}\]

Proof of Theorem 3.2 with duality :

First, we can reform the Moreau envelope as a equation constrained convex optimization problem:

\[\begin{align*} M_{\lambda f}(x) &= \inf_{y}(f(y) + (1/2\lambda)\|x-y\|^{2}) \\ &= \inf_{y, s.t. x=y=z}(f(y) + (1/2\lambda)\|z\|^{2}) \end{align*}\]

The largangian of this problem is :

\[\begin{align*} \mathbb{L}(y,z,\mu) &= f(y) + (1/2\lambda)\|z\|^{2} + \mu^{T}(x-y-z) \\ &=(f(y)- \mu^{T}y) + ((1/2\lambda)\|z\|^{2} - \mu^{T}z) + \mu^{T}x \end{align*}\]

The dual problem is :

\[\begin{align*} g(\mu) &= \inf_{y,z} \mathbb{L}(y,z,\mu) \\ &= - \sup_{y}(\mu^{T}y - f(y)) - (\lambda/2)\|\mu\|^{2} + \mu^{T}x \\ &= - f^{*}(\mu) - (\lambda/2)\|\mu\|^{2} + \mu^{T}x \end{align*}\]

As strong duality holds for strickly feasible convex optimization problem, we have the dualty gap equals zero:

\[\begin{align*} M_{\lambda f}(x) &= \sup_{\mu} g(\mu)\\ &= \sup_{\mu} (-f^{*}(\mu) - (\lambda/2)\|\mu\|^{2} + \mu^{T}x) \\ &= (f^{*} + (\lambda/2)\|\cdot\|^{2})^{*}(x) \end{align*}\]

As a result of Theorem 3.2, we have :

\[\begin{align*} M_{\lambda f} = M_{\lambda f}^{**} &= (f \square (1/2\lambda)\|\cdot\|^{2}_{2})^{**} \\ &= (f^{*} + ( (1/2\lambda)\|\cdot\|^{2}_{2})^{*})^{*} \\ & \quad (\|\cdot\|^{2}_{2} \quad is \quad self-dual) \\ &=(f^{*} + (1/2\lambda)\|\cdot\|^{2}_{2})^{*} \end{align*}\]

From the upper equation, we can interperte the Moreau envelope $M_{\lambda f}$ as a smooth approximation to a function by taking its conjugate, adding regulization. Mreau envelope obtains a smooth approximation via:

  1. Take the conjugate of f : $f^{*}$.

  2. Regularize : $f^{*} + (1/2\lambda)|\cdot|^{2}_{2}$

  3. Take the conjugate again : $(\cdot)^{*} = M_{\lambda f}$

In my point of view, this three steps is the most important part of the interpretation of Moreau envelope : a smoothed or regularized form of f.

3.1.3 Moreau envelope of L1 norm

Moreau envelope of $\mid \cdot \mid$ is the Huber function:

\[\begin{align*} M_{L1} &= (\mid \cdot \mid^{*} + (1/2)\|x\|^{2}_{2})^{*}\\ &=\sup_x(x^{T}y - \sup_{v}(-\mid v\mid + v^{T}x) - (1/2)\|x\|^{2}_{2}) \end{align*}\]

Consider firstly the variable v:

\[\sup_{v \ge 0} ( - \mid v \mid + v^{T}x) = \begin{cases} 0 \quad x < 1\\ + \infty \quad x >1 \end{cases}\] \[\sup_{v \le 0} ( - \mid v \mid + v^{T}x) = \begin{cases} 0 \quad x > -1\\ + \infty \quad x < -1 \end{cases}\]

In summary :

\[k(x) = \sup_{v} ( - \mid v \mid + v^{T}x) = \begin{cases} 0 \quad \mid x\mid < 1\\ + \infty \quad \mid x \mid >1 \end{cases}\]


\[M_{L1} =\sup_x(-\frac{1}{2}(x-y)^{2} - k(x) + (1/2)y^{2})\]
  • If $\mid y \mid \le 1$, take $x=y$, $\mid x \mid \le 1$, $k(x) = 0$, We will have $M_{L1} = \frac{1}{2}y^{2}$.

  • If $\mid y \mid \ge 1$, $\mid x \mid \ge 1$, $k(x) = \infty$, we should also take $\mid x \mid \le 1$, as a result $\mid x \mid = 1$. We will have $M_{L1} = \mid y \mid - \frac{1}{2}$

We end up with Huber function.

3.1.4 Gardient of Moreau envelope

Consider the definition of Proximal operator, we have :

\[M_{\lambda f}(x) = f(\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f}(x)) + \frac{1}{2\lambda}\| x - \mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f}(x)\|^{2}_{2}\]

To find the gradient of Moreau envelope, we reform the expression first:

\[\begin{align*} M_{\lambda f}(x) &= \inf_{y}(f(y) + (1/2\lambda)\|y-x\|^{2}_{2}) \\ &=\inf_{y}(f(y) + (1/2\lambda)(\|x\|^{2} + \|y\|^{2} - 2x^{T}y)) \\ &= (1/2\lambda)\|x\|^{2} + (1/\lambda) \inf_{y}(\lambda f(y) - x^{T}y + (1/2)\|y\|^{2}) \\ &= (1/2\lambda)\|x\|^{2} - (1/\lambda) \sup_{y}(-\lambda f(y) + x^{T}y - (1/2)\|y\|^{2}) \\ &= (1/2\lambda)\|x\|^{2} - (1/\lambda) (\lambda f + (1/2)\|\cdot\|^{2})^{*}(x) \end{align*}\]

Then take the gradient of both sides, we will have :

\[\begin{align*} \Delta M_{\lambda f}(x) &= x/\lambda - (1/\lambda)\arg\max_{y}(x^{T}y - \lambda f(y) - (1/2)\|y\|^{2}) \\ & (as \quad x_{best} \in \partial f^{*}(y) \quad from \quad Properties \quad page) \\ &= (1/\lambda)(x- \mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f}(x)) \end{align*}\] \[\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f}(x) = x- \lambda \Delta M_{\lambda f}(x)\]

The proximal operator is a gradient update step of a smoothed version of f, with step size $\lambda$.

3.2 Resolvent of subdifferential operator

The subdifferential operator $\partial f$ is a point-to-set mapping (project to the subgradient set). From the optimal condition of the evaluation of proximal operator, we have :

\[0 \in \partial f(x) + (1/\lambda)(x-v)\] \[v \in \lambda \partial f(x) + x = (I + \partial f)(x)\] \[x \in (I + \partial f)^{-1}(v)\] \[prox_{\lambda f} = (I + \partial f)^{-1}\]

Where $(I + \partial f)$ is a projection operator. And its inverse $(I + \partial f)^{-1}$ is called the resolvent of the operator $\partial f$.

3.3 Modified gradient step

3.3.1 First order approximation

Take the first order taylor expansion of function f:

\[\hat{f}^{(1)}_{v}(x) = f(v) + \Delta f(v)^{T}(x-v)\]

Substitute into the proximal operator:

\[\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda \hat{f}^{(1)}_{v}} = \arg\min_{x} (f(v) + \Delta f(v)^{T}(x-v) + (1/2\lambda)\|x-v\|^{2}_{2})\] \[\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(\cdot) = \Delta f(v) + (1/\lambda)(x-v) = 0\] \[\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda \hat{f}^{(1)}_{v}} = v - \lambda \Delta f(v)\]

It is a standard gradient update with step size $\lambda$.

3.3.2 Second order approximation

Take the seconf order taylor expansion of function f:

\[\hat{f}^{(2)}_{v}(x) = f(v) + \Delta f(v)^{T}(x-v) + \frac{1}{2}(x-v)^{T}\Delta^{2} f(v)(x-v)\]

Substitute into the proximal operator:

\[\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda \hat{f}^{(2)}_{v}} = \arg\min_{x} (f(v) + \Delta f(v)^{T}(x-v) + \frac{1}{2}(x-v)^{T}\Delta^{2} f(v)(x-v) + (1/2\lambda)\|x-v\|^{2}_{2})\] \[\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(\cdot) = \Delta f(v) + \Delta^{2} f(v)(x-v) + (1/\lambda)(x-v) = 0\] \[\Delta f(v) + ( \Delta^{2} f(v) + (1/\lambda) I) (1/\lambda)(x-v) = 0\] \[\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda \hat{f}^{(2)}_{v}} = v - ( \Delta^{2} f(v) + (1/\lambda) I)^{-1}\Delta f(v)\]

It is a Tikhonovregularized Newton update, also known as a Levenberg-Marquardt up-date or a modified Hessian Newton update. Thus, gradient and Levenberg-Marquardt steps can be viewed as proximal operators of first and second-order approximations of f.

3.4 Trust region problem

The second term of the proximal operator $|x-v|^{2}_{2}$ could be seen as a squared penalty, to restraint the variable in a nearby region.

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