Game Theory

youtube : What The Prisoner’s Dilemma Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Qualities for a good strategy:

  • Nice
  • Forgiving
  • Retaliatory (If your opponent defects, strike back immediately. Don’t be a pushover)
  • Clear (not too complicated)

Tir for Tat (以牙还牙) wins most of the games.

  • evaulation of populations for different strategies. generation grow.
  • TfT is not robust for noise. A slight more forgiving TfT.
  • Real world is not a zero mean game.

Paper Reads

Social dilemmas among unequals 2019 : some endowment inequality can be necessary for cooperation to prevail.

  • Extreme inequality prevents cooperation, but some endowment inequality can be necessary for cooperation to prevail (when individuals are naturally heterogeneous).
    • For linear and symmetric games, if cooperation is feasible at all, it is feasible for equal endowments.
    • However, if the game is asymmetric or nonlinear, full cooperation may only be feasible when players have unequal endowments.
  • Overall welfare is maximized when the two sources of heterogeneity are aligned, such that more productive individuals receive higher endowments. A twofold advantage of giving higher endowments to more productive players:
    1. stability advantage: an unequal distribution of endowments makes it easier for full cooperation to be an equilibrium.
    2. efficiency advantage: social welfare is maximized.