
What is Buddhism? Each describes the “Elephant” as the part which he first touched.

  • Theravada (the Doctrine of the Elders), which may be the oldest. Hinayana (little Vehicle).
  • Mahayan (large Vehicle).
  • Others : Tibetan Buddhism, Zen School of Japan, etc.

The original Message, its development, and additions to it.

  • The Buddha’s Enlightenment. The Buddh in Buddhism.
  • Mind-Only

In the beginning is the One, and only the One is. From the One comes Two, the innumberable Paris fo Opposites. But there is no such thing as two, for no two thins can be conceived without relationshop, and this makes Three, the basic Trinity of all manifestation. From the three (or its six permutations nd integrating seventh) come the manifold things of ‘usual life’ which the Chinese call the Ten Thousand Things. These are unreall in a world of unreality, comparatively real in a world of comparative reality, Real in that each is part fo an ultimate, unmanifest Reality. As Reality must be, if anything is, supermely Enlightened, this faculty of superme Englightenment informs all things, though none of them owns it. It alone is Real.

“若言著淨,人性本淨,由妄念故,蓋覆真如,但無妄想,性自清淨” 慧能. * All is Mind, Mind-Only, all things, all compounds, are SUNYATA, Void of ultimate content. * And the moment alone is of superme importance, all speculation, all conceptual belief is valueless until made REAL. * Life is a bridge.

Notes : books of Alan Watts

Notes : books of 赖永海

Notes : books of 梁启超